Request a Consultation

Need a little help along your health and wellness journey? We’ve got you! Fill out the form below to request more information about Nutrifitx Coaching packages or a 30m strategy session. Coaching can be done via video or audio call. For those in our local area, we can also hold coaching sessions in person if you prefer.

Nutrifitx Coaching Packages are 3 to 6 months of pre-booked coaching. You can think of this as regularly occurring strategy sessions. We meet 2-4 time per month (depending on your goals and needs) to discuss furthering your health and wellness journey. We’ll establish goals, create your personalized road map, reflect on previous weeks, strategize for optimal results, and ultimately talk about how to apply the Nutrifitx System to your unique circumstances. This helps accelerate your results and provides accountability. With a Nutrifitx Coaching package, you’ll also receive direct, prioritized access to us to get your personalized questions answered within 48 hours throughout the duration of your package. Please fill out the form below to request more information and pricing.

30m Strategy Session ($75) are one-off coaching sessions where we can help troubleshoot your journey, resolve any struggles, and set you on the right path for your goals. A single session is best for those who just have one or two questions, find themselves stuck or held back in a particular area, and aren’t necessarily looking for additional accountability. Sessions start at 30 minutes but can be extended to 1 hour if desired or required. Please fill out the form below to request more information and to book your call.

Before you book your sessions we recommend having and understanding the Nutrifitx System for best results. The Nutrifitx System is our best work all in one place. This will familiarize you with the terms and our process for transformation. If you do not have the System, we will absolutely still book your consultation. But, you will find that these coaching sessions are much more productive and effective if you’re already a member of the Nutrifitx System.

The Nutrifitx System is a lifetime membership to our signature health, wellness, and nutrition system. It is a self-study program in PDF format that allows you to learn and apply the fundamentals of health at your own pace. Despite what many people believe, nutrition isn’t an exact science. With biodiversity (discussed in the program), everyone needs a slightly different approach. Plus, new studies and research are being published every day. We filter through these changes and update our system accordingly so you don’t have to! Members receive all of these updates plus access to all new bonuses for life. To learn more about The Nutrifitx System, click here.