Creatine Monohydrate
Creatine is a supplement that boosts energy and aids in recovery for active lifestyles or those who exercise regularly. Creatine is also wonderful for improving mental clarity and focus, as well as strengthening the health of the gut. When taking creatine, be extra mindful of your water intake – you’ll want to make extra sure you stay hydrated and healthy.
Creatine is a supplement that boosts energy and aids in recovery for active lifestyles or those who exercise regularly. Creatine is also wonderful for improving mental clarity and focus, as well as strengthening the health of the gut. When taking creatine, be extra mindful of your water intake – you’ll want to make extra sure you stay hydrated and healthy.
Why we love it:
- Boosts energy and muscle recovery
- Improves gut health
- Boosts mental clarity and focus
- Dissolves completely in liquid
- Affordable
How to use it:
- Use in smoothies, coffee/tea, lattes, etc. Alternatively, mix with water until dissolved.
TIP: Pairing creatine with simple sugars may help improve absorption.
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