Should you quit dairy? These 6 signs of dairy intolerance will let you know…

Should you quit dairy? These 6 signs of dairy intolerance will let you know…

As you know, nothing is off limits on the Nutrifitx System… But part of the System is listening to your body’s signals and responding in a nourishing way. Intolerances are one of those signals. When you eat foods that you are intolerant to, inflammatory and histamine responses take their toll.

Eating foods that you are intolerant to can cause fatigue, pain, mental unrest, imbalance, bad digestion, and more.

We want to avoid foods we are intolerant to on a regular basis. Now, an intolerance isn’t the same as an allergy, so technically you can eat a food you’re intolerant to without immediate negative consequences. Instead, you have small compounding consequences.

These consequences work against your health journey. They cause bloating, water retention, inflammation, and more. That means the sale will go up even if you aren’t gaining fat.

They also compound with other sources of histamine and inflammatory responses, furthering the chaos in your body. The weight gain alone can impact your mental health, perspective, and motivation. And beyond the scale, these responses further promote disease, imbalance, and even cancer.

Dairy intolerances are extremely common. Approximately 68% of the world’s population is intolerant to dairy products. Beyond that, even in tolerant individuals dairy can cause adverse effects.

6 common signs of dairy intolerance are…

  • stomach pain
  • bloating
  • diarrhea
  • nausea/vomiting
  • gas
  • constipation

Even in tolerant individuals, dairy can still cause…

  • bloating
  • constipation
  • hormone imbalances
  • inflammation
  • acne
  • nausea
  • increased risk of cancer

Experiencing any of the above dairy intolerance or sensitivity symptoms? It could be a good idea to detox dairy from your diet and see how you feel.

Simply remove all dairy products from your diet for 7 days. Dairy includes milk, cheese, yogurt, etc. (Eggs are not dairy, they are meat.) On the 8th day, add back one dairy product once a day every day. Pay close attention to how you feel (including the above symptoms).

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