How to Reduce Cellulite: Things to do (and avoid) for smooth and toned booty and thighs!

How to Reduce Cellulite: Things to do (and avoid) for smooth and toned booty and thighs!

Dreaming of flaunting a smooth, toned booty and thighs?

Ladies, listen up… CELLULITE IS NATURAL. Having it doesn’t mean you’re “fat,” and not having it doesn’t mean you’re “fit.” Cellulite is the way fat appears under the skin – and a healthy body DOES carry a bit of fat (just not excess fat).

Cellulite is very normal, especially in women. Studies show that up to 90% of women and about 10% of men have cellulite. Cellulite happens when the fat pushes through the structural fibers of the skin.

You can think of it like a grid or a grate. When the fat below the skin’s surface pushes into the structure of the skin, it creates a dimpled appearance. It doesn’t have to be a lot of fat, either – even a healthy amount of fat can look this way if you are part of this greater majority.

While there isn’t a whole lot you can do to eliminate cellulite (since you do need some fat to maintain a health body), there are numerous ways to greatly reduce and improve the appearance of cellulite. AKA, smooth the skin and create those sleek, toned booty and thighs. In fact, you may be surprised to find that some of the things we do every day worsen the appearance of cellulite.

So what can you do to reduce cellulite and get that coveted smooth and toned body?

Reduce your overall fat mass to get rid of cellulite.

Losing excess weight reduces the pressure on the skin structure and reduces the dimpled appearance. Now, that isn’t to say that you should just eat less and wait. Typical weight loss tactics – like starvation and excess cardio – often cause muscle burn and fat retention. These weight loss tactics usually result in becoming “skinny fat” and actually worsen the appearance of cellulite. (“Skinny fat” is when your body gets smaller but your body fat percentage increases. Instead of looking fit, you could look a little “flabby,” even though your pant size is getting smaller.)

So, it’s all about SMART weight loss. Or, better yet, fat burn. When you lose weight, you could be losing fat, muscle, bone, water weight… any loss from your body is weight loss. However, at Nutrifitx, we focus on reducing your body fat percentage, not just the number on the scale. Click or tap the link below to get our free weight loss guide. (No dieting or exercise required!)

Build muscle to reduce cellulite.

Because cellulite is the way fat appears through the skin, building muscle can actually smooth out cellulite. Muscle is firm, giving the fat a solid foundation. Building muscle in the area of concern can help to smooth, plump, and shape the area without creating more cellulite or “jiggle.”

Plus, building muscle is the BEST way to boost the metabolism. Boosting your metabolism means you burn more calories doing nothing. And what does that mean? Burning even more fat. Resistance training of any kind will transform your body in more ways than just weight loss. And, building muscle eliminates the risk of looking “skinny fat.”

When we replace fat with muscle, this is called body recompostion. We are recomposing what the body is made up of. That means a lean physique with less jiggle – AKA, we reduce cellulite.

The Nutrifitx System is formulated for body recompostion. The ultimate goal of the System is to heal the metabolism, improve metabolic health, and bring the body back into balance – this is why weight loss (read: fat burning) becomes an effortless byproduct of the Nutrifitx System.

Drink plenty of water (STAY hydrated) to reduce cellulite.

If you are not drinking enough water, your skin is likely dehydrated. Dehydrated skin looses its “plumpness,” appears dull, and often loses its elasticity and texture. Dehydrated skin will always make cellulite appear even more dimply – but the answer to skin hydration isn’t lotion or oils.

In order to reduce the appearance of cellulite, you must hydrate from the inside. Firming and smoothing creams can only get you so far… Real self care happens from within. So, get to guzzling!

To stay hydrated, you want to drink pure water or unsweetened herbal tea. Sugary drinks and caffeine cause dehydration, so always choose unsweetened, natural drinks without any stimulants or additives.

Eat less salt and sugar intake to reduce cellulite.

Again, this worsens dehydration and has a direct affect on just how textured your cellulite areas will look. (Less unwanted texture means smoother skin and less dimples.) Plus, salt and sugar can cause water retention and bloating, which also worsens the appearance of cellulite.

Not to mention, both of these ingredients are bad for metabolic health. Salt can cause unbalanced blood pressure levels, while sugar can cause unbalance blood sugar levels. Healthy blood sugar and blood pressure levels are two key aspects of metabolic health.

And, as you know, if you can attain metabolic health, your body will rebalance and find its naturally healthy state. That doesn’t just mean a healthy weight – it means healthy skin, healthy eyes, a healthy brain, healthier joints… a healthy, energized body overall.

And… when you are healthy, you feel healthy, and you look healthy! As crazy as it sounds, that also means reducing the appearance of cellulite (and any other visual markers of non-optimized health).

Eat more fresh fruits and veggies to reduce cellulite.

Micronutrients take your skin health and fat burning to the next level! Antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals make you look and feel ultra healthy. Improving the quality and health of your skin will greatly reduce the appearance of cellulite anywhere on the body. Plus, fruits and veggies are nutrient-dense, low calorie foods that help you burn fat and lose weight.

Veggies are also high in fiber and sometimes other compounds that aid in detoxification. When we remove toxins from the body, our skin looks healthier and has a better texture.

Now… detoxing the body is NOT done through a powder, pill, or tea. Detoxification should come from natural foods and lifestyle shifts. Read this loud and clear, there is no drink or magic bullet that will detox your body and reduce cellulite. Anyone who has a “secret recipe” or “specially formulated product” to help you burn fat or reduce cellulite is only offering a distraction. Do yourself a HUGE favor, and avoid these at all cost.

How can the Nutrifitx System help you lose cellulite and reveal the body of your dreams?

The Nutrifitx System is a nutrition plan based on metabolic health and gut health. That means 95% of the time, you’re going to be eating a balanced, nutrient-dense diet. Our nutrition plan teaches you how to balance your blood sugar, boost your metabolism, and feel amazing.

As a byproduct of this balance, you’ll effortlessly reach a healthy weight and greatly improve the health of your skin. The System improves the health of all of your organs, but when it comes to cellulite, skin health is a must. Healthy skin comes from within. The products we place on top of the skin only do so much… Real youth and rejuvenation come from what you put inside your body and your daily habits.

Our easy-to-follow guidelines will make healthy choices clear and easy – you DO NOT have to memorize the system to be successful!

Plus, NOTHING is off limits! Nutrifitx is the anti-diet. We don’t eliminate food groups, and starvation is never a strategy. Click or tap below to access our FREE science-backed nutrition plan for total health and permanent weight loss.

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Learn how to cultivate science-backed daily routines that accelerate weight loss and optimize your health with the Nutrifitx System!